Thursday, September 30, 2010

ShAkE tHe DuSt

This is for the preteens, for the wallflowers, for the dazed and confused.This is for the adventurous.This is for the hesitant. Shake the dust.This is for the honest and pure toddlers, for the balling babies, for the grouchy old men, for the out of control teens.This is for the mothers.Shake the dust.
This is for the emotionally abused. For the mailman, for the retired rockstar.
This is for the indifferent and for the ambitious. Shake the dust.This is for the least protected. This is for the little girl in her princess dress, for the roudy boy on his tricycle.This is for the vulnerable teenage girl and for the drug addicted teenage boy.Shake the dust.This is for the trapped.
This is for the kids stuck in a desk and dreaming og being anywhere else but here
This is for the criminal stuck behind bars, filled with regret.This is for the one in the corner and for the fly in the spider web. Shake the dust.

So grab this world by it's clothespins and shake it out again and again and jump ontop and take it for a spin and when you hop off shake it again, for this is yours.

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