Friday, October 29, 2010


two friends daily type of conversation

Jordy: Hey dude
Kait: Aw ish...
Jordy: whats the deal?
Kait: Does this mean i have to do my laundry?
Jordy: Dude i have to be on time
Kait: Squirrel
Jordy: My wart is bleeding
Kait: Puke jord. Nasty Bi...
Jordy: Where is the Gnarr?
Kait: No one even freaking knows...
Jordy: Ha whatev...
Kait: Squirril

1 comment:

  1. Action: These characters don't have a specific want.

    Conflict: Because the characters don't have specific wants, there isnt much conflict except for that kait can't get her laundry done because jordy's wart is bleeding and is side tracking her.

    Event: There was no defintie conclusion to the scene.

    so all in all, this scene totally blew it, which makes sense because i honestly didn't put as much thought as i should have put into it anyway... my bad. Im thinking im going to change the large majority of this scene. yeah for sure!
