Friday, October 22, 2010

HiDdEn PoTeNtIaL bEhInD a SiMpLe DiShWaShEr:

Have you ever felt like you were somewhere you weren't suppossed to be? I don't mean you were at some party that your parents told you not to go to and were scared you were going to get caught. I mean have you ever (for example) wondered if you were given this role to play and maybe the Casting Director made a mistake; but you remember that when you were auditioning you were begging to get a part, no matter what it was. Like the ruler over some magical kingdom or the one who washes the rulers dishes. You didn't care at the time, but now that you are performing that part you have changed your mind. You wonder why you wanted that part in the first place, and figure that the Casting Direcot messed up BIG TIME because had YOU been someone like the ruler, the play would be about 58 times better than it already was. Yet in the back of your mind is the one thought that seems to constantly be pushing it's way towards the front for your undivided and uninterrupted attention. That thought was that the Casting Director didn't make a mistake at all. You know that He knows the business perfectly and must have seen some type of potential in you to even allow you to perform at all. Who knows...maybe he has some trick up His sleeve and the dishwasher will become the ruler over some other magical kingdom himself. Or maybe the ruler will find some power in himself to make his kingdom the happiest of all. But whether you get all the power or your hands are left in the grease contaminated water for the rest of your life, you just have to trust that the Director knows best  and all you can do is play your part the best you can knowing you are contributing your best despite any dwindling feeling of insignificance.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... this is pretty much amazing! I have decided. I just don't get how someone can write like that... Goodness!!! That's so deep and yes yes I have felt like that before! Well not in those exact same words... but still!
